Responding for anxiety itself

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Peter Warnek


The reading presented in this essay, which manages to interrogate only a few pages of Freud’s text, is motivated by a question, claimed by the need to raise that question, as it concerns the relation between anxiety and responsibility. The reading carried out here should be taken, then, as an attempt at the elaboration of this question, perhaps even as a contribution to that elaboration, even though, as that reading progresses, it becomes only more preoccupied with only one single sentence found within the few pages it reads, by even then fixating, seemingly without justification, upon one peculiar phrase within that sentence, consisting of only three words.

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How to Cite
Warnek, P. (2021). Responding for anxiety itself. Metalepsis: Journal of the American Board and Academy of Psychoanalysis, 1(1), 71-119.